#AMM1_Q1F - You are to liberate a village in the east and protect its peasants.
#AMM1_Q2 - Found a settlement
#AMM1_Q2F - Escort the peasants to the location in the north for a new settlement.
#AMM1_Q21 - Construct a town center.
#AMM1_Q21F - Now all your peasants know how to build a town center. Select peasants, choose town center in the peasant menu and build the structure.
#AMM1_Q3 - Recruit 5 peasants
#AMM1_Q3F - You require 5 peasants, who can be built in the town centre.
#AMM1_Q4 - Construct a mill.
#AMM1_Q4F - You are to construct a mill.
#AMM1_Q5 - Begin procuring food.
#AMM1_Q5F - You are to dispatch 5 peasants to collect wheat.
#AMM1_Q6 - Construct the storehouse.
#AMM1_Q6F - You are to construct a storehouse near the forest.
#AMM1_Q7 - Start collecting food.
#AMM1_Q7F - You are to dispatch 5 peasants to start chopping wood.
#AMM1_Q8 - Construct the barracks.
#AMM1_Q8F - You are to construct a barracks.
#AMM1_Q81 - Construct a blacksmith's forge.
#AMM1_Q81F - Build a blacksmith's forge to make it possible to create soldiers.
#AMM1_Q9 - Create 10 infantrymen.
#AMM1_Q9F - You are to create 10 infantrymen in the barracks.
#AMM1_Q101 - Capture towns in the northwest.
#AMM1_Q101F - Destroy squads guarding the town, burn the barracks and the stable.
#AMM1_Q102 - Capture towns in the northeast.
#AMM1_Q102F - Destroy squads guarding the town, burn the barracks and the stable.
#AMM1_Q10 - Put down the rebellion in rebel cities by killing all the enemy soldiers.
#AMM1_Q10F - You are to quell a mutiny in rebel cities to the north. Destroy formations of rebels in the cities.
#AMM1_FORLOOSEFULL - You'll lose if Alexander dies or your army is destroyed.
#AMM1_H1 - In order to select a unit or building, mouse-click on it with the cursor. To select a group of troops or buildings, drag the mouse while holding the left mouse button. You will see the selection frame follow the cursor movement. All units and buildings inside the selection area will be marked.
#AMM1_H2 - In order to attack the opponent, select a group of units and click on the enemy with the right button of your mouse.
#AMM1_H3 - To construct a building, select one or several peasants. In the interface you will see an icon for buildings. Left-click on it. The cursor will take on the appearance of building to be constructed. Choose the area you'd like to construct the building on and click with the left mouse button.
#AMM1_H4 - To recruit peasants, select town center. In the interface you will see the peasant icon. Click on the icon several times, each click indicating the number of peasants you require to be built.
#AMM1_H5 - Mills provide for wheat growing and collecting. In order to procure food, select peasants and click with the right button of your mouse on any of the field areas.
#AMM1_H6 - Collection of food from the field can be increased by sending additional peasants to the field. Food on fields is automatically sowed and is unlimited.
#AMM1_H7 - The storehouse allows peasants to collect wood. In order to start collecting wood, you must select peasants and send them to the forest.
#AMM1_H8 - Wood collecting can be increased by sending additional peasants to chop wood.
#AMM1_H9 - In order to recruit infantry, select a barracks. In the interface you will find the infantry icon. Click on the infantry icon as many times as as you want infantrymen to be built.
#AMM1_T2_PS1 - Enemies have fallen on our village. Our land is drowning in the blood of peasants. We are loyal Macedonian subjects, I beg you to save us.
#AMM1_T2_AL2 - I will avenge the death of the lives that have been lost.
#AMM1_T2_PS3 - May the powers of the gods be with you!
#AMM1_T3_PS1 - Thank you, my lord! You have saved our lives.
#AMM1_T3_AL2 - Many lives were lost and your settlement was burnt to the ground. You and the others still have your lives and can rebuild. I will help you establish a new settlement. Where is the most suitable place?
#AMM1_T3_PS3 - There are fertile lands to the north.
#AMM1_T3_AL4 - Excellent, we will build a settlement there. It will be a new home for you and a base for my attacks on the mutinous townships. I will bring order to this land.
#AMM1_T4_MS1 - The Gods have heard our prayers and you have come. I have barely escaped from the town. Things went wrong - the town is on fire, marauders rampage through the streets and many citizens have lost their lives.
#AMM1_T4_AL2 - I'm here to bring order and punish the rebels.
#AMM1_T4_MS3 - My lord, you must hurry, rebels gather forces for an assault on the capital.
#AMM1_T4_AL4 - By sunset the rebels will plead for mercy.
#AMM1_T5_PH1 - My son, I'm full of pride. While I was away, you have shown all our opponents that Macedonia is great and strong as never before. All who waiver have seen our strength and will now support us. The rebels are doomed. You have demonstrated true leadership skills and ability to rule. There is nothing more a father can ask from his son.
#AMM1_T5_AL2 - Father, I am grateful for your kind words.
#AMM1_T5_AR3 - My king, Alexander demonstrated not only heroism, but wisdom too. He has captured a rebel leader who knows much about the plans of our foes. This will help us to suppress the mutiny.
#AMM1_T5_PH4 - By leading a squad of rebels you betrayed your homeland. Macedonians who suffered death from your hands will never let you escape death. Tell the truth and you will be executed like a warrior. Answer me, who is behind the mutinies?
#AMM1_T5_CH5 - My Lord, I deserve no mercy. It is Athenians and Darius who are behind the rebel movement.
#AMM1_T5_PH6 - The time will come when Darius will answer fully for this impudence, and Athens will be no more than a city-state of great Macedonia.
#AMM1_LooseALD Alexander died in the battle.
#AMM1_LooseARD Your army was destroyed.
#AMM1_Victory You have put down the rebellion. Order is restored in Macedonia.